Media Relations

With our journalism backgrounds and years of working with editors, reporters and news directors, our PR firm has an in-depth knowledge of the workings of the media world.

From mainstream print and broadcast media, to online media, blogs and social networks, our team of PR professionals has the ability to create newsworthy stories and creative campaigns that successfully get covered, reaching targeted audiences and generating volumes of results for our clients.

We have the media and blogger connections, but do not solely rely on them. We create and promote each story according to its own news value, and have a strong sense for the types of angles that will receive maximum pick-up, adapting stories according to the needs of each outlet.

Our media relations services include:

  • News story development
  • News releases, backgrounders, infographics, videos
  • Blog and social content
  • Media and influencer events
  • News conferences
  • Media tours
  • Media and spokesperson training